суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

drawing lottery nj result

Today was So.� Boring.� Four ICU patients, 2 from Orthopedics that went home before 10am, one soft tissue surgery that had itapos;s entire chest debrided (no skin, just fascia and muscle) due to a nasty skin necrosis, probably spider bite.� He had to have daily anesthesia to clean and rebandage his chest and he was so bad under anesthesia our specialist had to come in for it.� And the last one was a Doxie train wreck that itapos;s owner SWEARS that the only history is that Thursday night she climbed onto the counter (va couch) and drank some oil that was cooling after frying tomatoes.� wtf??� This dog is losing protien like her veins are a sieve and her blood sugar is tanking...she is obviously septic� Her protien went from almost normal to barely existant despite Hetastarch...and her sugars were between 30-50 mg/dL (normal 90-130) even with a 7.5 dextrose solution.� Abdominal tap negative.

And Dr Gaynor was at the clinic so we had to find things to do to busy ourselves.� I organized cabinets and cleaned things that were already clean.� But he was going to throw away this awesome printer cart that matches the particle-board furniture in my house so I brought it home and my desk feels so...so FREE.� The cart is in very good shape, too.

At minutes to noon, the Doxie arrests and CPR is unsuccessful.� Owner was guilt-ridden and inconsolable.� Even though she was having serious congestive issues we could not tie to the eating of vegetable oil.� So our one patient is dead (the surgery dog was a Dr Morgan patient and was fine except for the whole not-having-a-chest thing).

We spend the next 3 hour busying ourselves like we did before the exciting CPR and we start cleaning up and getting the clinic done for the next shift.� An african grey comes in with the owners saying they fed her in the afternoon instead of morning and she flipped out, fell to the ground and started flapping and biting.� They say she is having trouble breathing.� We examine her and she looks fine but we put her in oxygen and get ready to call Dr Roeder when...CPR #2 comes in� YAY

This 9 year old Schnauzer JUST started breathing hard.� The dogapos;s tongue was grey.� NOT blue.� Grey.� The person who brought her in is not the owner - the owners are taking a weekend vacation.� Of course.� Upon further history while trying to obtain an Emergency Alert (tells the owners stabilization will be costly - at least $500 - and do they want to try to stabilize or talk about other options?) we find out the dog has been having dyspnea for 10 DAYS and the owners kept putting off going to the vet because they wanted to have the vacation first.� *GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR*

The schnauzer arrests before they agree to the ER alert so we do CPR.� The dog comes back.� As we are calling the owners again to let them know they HAVE�to decide because we just brought their dog back to life and that KINDA means that she needs serious treatment...she arrests again and the owners agree to the ER alert and CPR.� Ok we get her back AGAIN.� She is trying to chew out the ET tube.� We hold her mouth shut and she calms down...uh, oh� No corneal response and she is in respiratory arrest again� She arrests fully again and we revive her ONE�MORE�TIME� For the....WOW her body does NOT want to live �She dies again and even with serious drugs and 6 defibrillations later (SIX....read like Joker to the cop in Dark Knight) the only thing left is a lifeless hulk of schnauzer that smells like defibrillated flesh.� Just then the next shift comes in and even though I had scrubbed the clinic before...Super-CPCR caused a big ass mess I had to clean up.� So instead of leaving by 4:30 like I had planned...I left at 5:40pm.� *sigh*

Then we call Dr Roeder and she says the bird is likely suffering from anxiety and acting out.� So she goes home.� After the doc asked us to draw bloods and jug sticks were unsuccessful even with 3 people (wiley little African Grey...).

Oh and when i got home, Scott had done nothing and the house was trashed.� Yesterday we agreed that if it was warm he would go outside and stain more bunkbed wood because warm days are at a premium this time of year.� I screamed.� I threw a fit.� I did the dishes.� I have done 16 pieces of wood in 2 days, 1 hour a day.� With todayapos;s warmth and lack of schedule he could have at LEAST contributed an hour.� And tomorrow is shot since he takes the kids to church with grandma and then hangs at g-maapos;s house all day.� FUCK.� Do i have to do EVERYTHING??

why do I ask?� apparently.� he owes me.

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